
The Poems Home Burial By Robert Frost And The River Merchant 's Wife

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The poems Home Burial by Robert Frost and The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter by Ezra Pound have related themes. In both poems, the themes that are brought out by these renowned poets have a similar discourse. Home burial is a poem that centers on a wife and her husband who are in agony after losing their first child. The wife is agitated and is on the brink of going out of marriage. She dislikes the apathy in which her husband views the death of their first born. On the other hand, the husband is aggravated too. However, he has since accepted that death is part of human beings. As a matter of fact, he dug the grave of his child. The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter, the poem is a letter that is written by a tender woman who is in a marriage, that has started out with distance between the two emotionally, and then concludes with distance from the river. The poem explains the distress the maiden is passing through since her husband went away. She is only sixteen and cannot fathom why her husband is taking five months to get home. Love is one theme that cuts across both poems. However the poet’s distinctively portrays the love in different ways. In the poem Home Burial, the poet portrays a lost love between the husband and the wife. When the two entered into a union as a wife and a husband they initially loved each other. However, as the marriage progresses, tragedies hit them. From losing their first child to lack of apathy by the husband, the marriage has been hit by

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