
The Poetry Of Sara Teasdale's Love Poetry

Better Essays

Sara Teasdale, an extraordinarily sensitive and almost reclusive woman, had a lifelong struggle with her disparate personalities and ever-changing beliefs which led her to write extremely passionate poetry about her venture to find love and the hardships she faced along the way. To say the least, Sara Teasdale had an extremely difficult life full of ups and downs. She went from being a puritan young woman from St. Louis, Missouri to a successful but uneasy poet in New York City to a depressed and disillusioned person who ended up killing themselves in 1933. She constantly dreamed of and wrote poetry about a love that would set her free from all of her problems. Her “feminine love poetry” included philosophical depth and self-examination and eventually made her a fortunate woman, winning her the first Columbia Poetry Prize, later renamed the Pulitzer Prize, in 1918 (Walker).
Sara Teasdale was raised sheltered, pampered, educated in private schools, and led to believe that she was frail, chronically ill, and in constant need of protective care. As she grew up, she took a few trips to New York and made new friends with very different backgrounds from her. She dreaded becoming an “old maid.” She initiated several romances and began to distance herself from the oppressiveness of her St. Louis Baptist background and gain a measure of mature self-assurance. She toyed with countless men for a few years, but ended up married to Ernst Filsinger, a choice of middle-class propriety and

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