
The Poisonwood Bible: Analysis of Orleanna Price

Decent Essays

Dahlia Dominguez
Mr. Waterhouse
AP Literature- Period 2
3 December 2012

Character Analysis: Orleanna Price

The Poinsonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver, tells the story of a Southern Baptist family spending their time on a missionary trip to the Congo. This story, which takes place over a span of 30 years, primarily engrosses the Price’s involvement with the Congolese people, a kind very different and much more “savage” than themselves. The Poinsonwood Bible, told by Reverend Price’s wife, Orleanna, and four daughters, Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May, shows the character development of all these women. At first, adjusting to such a different world, all five are not quite sure of how to react to the change in environment. Yet, as …show more content…

Still, all this time in the Congo makes Orleanna realize that, although she knew somewhat before, that her and Nathan Price weren’t for each other and makes her leave him in the end. On page 383, she attempts to explain why she waited so long to do so, as she says, “"We aimed for no more than to have dominion over every creature that moved

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