
The Poisonwood Bible Character Analysis

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In the book, “The Poisonwood Bible” there is a rather interesting character, named Nathan Price. The tone used to describe Nathan Price in the book is always related to his cruelty, oppressiveness and the devious way he acts throughout the book. The tone used by his wife and daughters throughout the novel produces the feeling that he is the main Antagonist in the book. Nathan is also extremely abusive against his wife and daughters. He is an extremist, a coward and a terrible preacher. His lack of knowledge about God and more importantly, life in general, cause everyone in the novel to despise him, especially his family. Nathan Price was so desperate about preaching, he decided to move from the United States to the Congo. This is ironic …show more content…

Probably the most obvious characteristic related to Nathan Price was his tyrannical behavior. All of Nathan’s quotes throughout the book gives the reader an intuition of him being a tyrant, especially towards the Price family. For example, the tone his youngest daughter, Ruth May, uses to describe her own father is just awful. “She was afraid to tell her Father because he might whip me, busted arm and all. She told him I was a lamb of God and it was a pure accident, so he didn't whip me. Not yet. Maybe when I’m all fixed, he will” Ruth May, 118). The tone used by Ruth May to describe his father are truly disturbing. You have to realize that Ruth May is a five year old child, children at that age don't typically lie about something so serious, on the contrary, children are extremely truthful and sincere. The tone of the quote reveals what an abusive father Nathan Price really is, making it clear to the reader that he would be whipping his daughter if it wasn't for her condition. Another quote that reveals Nathan Price’s authoritarian tone towards his family is, “He didn't say anything, Yes or No, just turned his back and went on out. He doesn't approve talking back. If that was me, oh, boy. That razor strop burns so bad, after you go to bed your legs still feel stripedy like a zebra horse” (Ruth May, 54). The tone of the quote permits the reader to make the …show more content…

The tone used by his family is always negative, everyone in the Price family end up detesting him. This has to do with his decisions, and the fact that he never wanted to listen to anyone but himself. Throughout the story his actions are always involved with personal gain, he never cares about the needs of his family or want they want. Nathan Price influenced his family on going to the Congo in the first place. His family did not have the desire to go, but he didn't care at all, because he was only focused on himself. This obviously had to do with his immense ambition in converting the Congolese into Christians, which obviously did not go well thanks to his abusive behavior and the disrespect he had towards the Congolese. The tone used throughout the novel to describe Nathan Price is that of a man who didn't care about anything other than his preachings. Nathan Price preached about God from the begging of the novel till the very end, consequently his ambition resulted in his death. Nathan’s motives all through the story are incredibly ambitious and selfish. The desire he had on helping the Congolese people from the beginning of the novel to the end were solely based on his own desire for absolution. The tone involved in describing Nathan Price was overall the same thought the novel, resulting in the reader disliking him and wondering if he actually went insane during his time in

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