
Essay On Gang Control

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to be a constant fear or looking over one’s shoulder so that the gang will not hurt them or a family member. Gang Control Strategies To control gangs, law enforcement agencies have used preventive approaches, including community organization, social intervention, opportunity provision, suppression and organizational change (Spergel, 1990). Not unlike the ones that were talked about earlier. Suppression has historically been a major strategy used by police and involves targeting gang leaders and hard-core members for surveillance, arrest and prosecution. However, the Illinois State Police Criminal Intelligence Bulletin (1992), noted that even though street gangs are involved with drugs, murders, sexual assaults, armed robberies, …show more content…

Because of the amount and seriousness of crime in the neighborhood, many community members felt that they were being held hostage and terrorized by gang members that primarily lived in other areas of the city (Torres, 1998, p. 38). Citizens around the country, in their communities have to endure with the fear of gangs that terrorize the area. In the first ten months of 1993, there were over 500 calls for service in the two block area controlled by the gang. Law enforcement officers would not enter the area other than in teams and the local fire department would not answer calls without police assistance. Street lights were constantly shot out and the darkened area, along with some tall trees, provided a perfect environment for the gang 's activities. Although law enforcement officers arrested gang members, the intimidation of witnesses made their tasks more difficult. To reduce the gang 's illegal activities in the neighborhood and begin renovating the neighborhood, an innovative four phase program called Operation Roundup was designed and developed (Torres, 1998, p. 38). Research indicates that fear of crime, whether self-imposed or realistic, can immobilize individuals, harm the local economy and negatively impact social interactions as well as the quality of life (Albanese, 1990 Skogan (1987) argues that crime victims believe that more crime exists, are worried about victimization and

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