
Police Executive Essay

Decent Essays

The police executive is responsible for managing the interaction between the organization and the environment, so that system’s goals attainment is not impeded. (Cordner, 2016) As a law enforcement executive leader, I rather take over a police department with less policy and procedure. The smaller police department, in my opinion, is often more responsive than in larger agencies due to the knowledge of the community and partnerships within the community and they operate with fewer policies and procedures. Also, officers working in smaller agencies with fewer policies and procedures must be prepared for the same challenges and situations as their colleagues in larger organizations. (Brunetto & Farr-Wharton, 2005) A police department that’s have …show more content…

Every police executive should establish policies and procedures that govern the exercise of discretion by police personnel in providing routine peacekeeping and other police services because of the frequent recurrence, lend themselves to a development of a consistent agency response. (Cordner, 2016) Besides, if I take over a department with fewer policies and procedures, I can always add new policies and procedures as the Department grows. Nevertheless, working with a large amount policies officers will not be custom to change, and it may kill the morale of the officers. First of all, I’m a new executive without experience operating a police department so I would want to start small and figure things out. I want to be the device for empowering my employee's decision making without relinquishing of the officer's responsibility and accountability. With fewer policies and procedures I can focus on process and output, making the quality of the policies and procedures, trusting the outcome of what I implement improves the department. Feedback to directing function comes from an evaluation of the extent to which orders, rules, regulations, policies, and procedure are understood and followed. Because when changing a police department directives it complicates processes of communication and perception. It’s best to know how police organization operates before communicating a change …show more content…

(2005). The role of management post-NPM in the implementation of new policies affecting police officers' practices. Policing, 28(2), 221-241. Retrieved July 7, 2017, from

Cordner, G. W. (2016). Police Administration, 9th Edition. Waltham, MA: Routledge Publishing. p. 480-481. Retrieved July 7, 2017, from

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