
The Political Party Is The Bulwark Party Essay

Decent Essays

The name of my political party is the Bulwark Party. This name was partially inspired by the word “bull,” while is used to describe male elephants (Shoshani, 2015). Also, the word bulwark means “something that provides protection for or against something (Bulwark, n.d.). Even though the current and sole Republican candidate for this year’s election (Donald Trump) is widely detested for numerous reasons, his Democratic challenger (Hillary Clinton) is also viewed as distastefully, if not more so. Considering this, the Bulwark party is named as such because many Republicans do not have adequate understanding of human nature or the diplomatic tact needed to tackle some of the problems that the United States faces today. As physically stronger social fauna defend their families, it is the responsibility of this country’s citizens to preserve liberty by actively fending for themselves and their families from interlopers who threaten to destroy it. Since physical defense of U.S. citizens (especially those who seek to preserve individual liberty) is a key concern of the Bulwark Party, furthering restrictions on the current process of purchasing firearms is generally not supported by this party. If firearm access was to be hampered regarding American citizens in general, there is not guarantee that criminally ambitious will still seek ways to gather arms and wreak havoc among Americans while comparatively law-abiding citizens will be left with less effective means of defense. The

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