
The Poor Condition Of Native Americans

Decent Essays

Many factors have contributed to the abysmal condition of Native Americans in the United States. Two of which had the most impact have been poverty and alcoholism. There are many possible reasons why Native American’s were introduced to alcohol. For instance, their religious practice incorporated alcohol to be able to achieve a transcendent experience. It was not escape from reality that Native Americans sought, but more about fulfillment and discovery of oneself. However, Native Americans were uneducated of how potent alcohol was and what was to come from it being abused by the uneducated, and younger generations. Unfortunately, Native Americans have played a more ambiguous role on proliferating and facilitating the spread of alcohol throughout their communities. Alcohol has led to many health conditions in Native Americans, including kidney failure, and blindness. These health conditions have also led to diabetes, and with little hope from loss of land, Natives Americans still to this day live in poverty. Alcohol was introduced to Native Americans in the early 1700’s by European colonists. Most Native Americans could not even obtain alcohol, unless given through trade. That was until in Southwest America a beverage known as Tesvino, made from fermented corn was created and used during special rituals. Other groups such as the Pimos and Papago’s joined and created alcohol from a cactus called Saguro and used it for rituals to create rain. Alcohol was originally initiated

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