
The Positive And Negative Roles Of Leadership In High School

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Leadership in a school can have many positive or negative effects on students, teachers, and other staff members. The type of leadership a principal employs can also have its ramifications. “Principals today are expected to be visionaries and competent managers, as well as instructional leaders” (Charlotte Danielson, 2007). Principals must be able to balance their workload and manage their staff in order to be successful. The style of leadership they use is important to the overall culture of their school. However, a leadership style that works in one school may or may not be successful in another.
Leaders, whether my choice or by personality, use a certain style of leadership. Principals who think they use one specific style may, in fact, be using another, according to their faculty. It may be wise for an administrator to take an internal look at themselves to make sure they stay true to what they believe is the right way to lead.
Some styles of leadership are becoming more prevalent, while other are dormant. “Leadership models in education are subject to the same faddism that is apparent in other areas of education. Today’s favorite brand is soon replaced by another” (Hallinger, 2003, p. 333). With an abundance of leadership styles, teachers and administrators may have a difference of opinion when it comes to their perceptions of leadership in their school. Leaders must find what works best in their own situation.
“As the role of the 21st Century administrator

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