
The Positive Short-term and Long-term Affects of Smaller Class Sizes on Students

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The Positive Short-term and Long-term Affects of Smaller Class Sizes on Students The size of a class has had or will have a larger affect on a person’s life than most people know and affect more aspects than are visible to the human eye. A large percent of the human population will go through or has gone through, a type of schooling. The size of classes in school affects more than just a student. The faculty has to deal with size too, for example if a classroom can’t fit enough students in one class, another teacher may have to give up their room during their break time to lend the room to another teacher. There is a demand for teachers in the work force and with a more difficult working environment; it could turn people off …show more content…

Participation is important because it helps you learn and grasp the different concepts being discussed. I also personally feel that a smaller class size really helps relationships between students, outside and inside of the classroom. When you’re in the class, you feel more comfortable raising your hand with a dumb question or a wrong answer than you would in a huge class with strangers. I feel that the small class room helped me shape who I am today because I made so many friends, throughout my years of schooling in my small classes, that are in different groups of friends and it allowed me to form relationships with people that are everlasting.

The more students in a class, the less productive the time is in my opinion. If a class is consumed of more than the average class, the teacher will be less likely to know everyone by their name and even more important by their character. I feel a personal relationship between the teacher and each student is vital. It’s easier on both parts. Throughout the many years I attended school, I feel that I have always tried to become close with my teachers. I think it benefited me greatly in instances where I was not doing so well or not understanding a topic, I was more at ease going to the teacher and asking for help. Getting to know your teacher is beneficial to the student as well because you come to realize they aren’t a mean, old teacher

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