
The Potential Link Between Teen 's Sexual Behavior And Peers

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Adolescent sexual behavior has been a critical issue for many years and has become more predominant every day. Teens are at a point in their lives where they want to explore themselves, test their independence and see how they fit into society. There are many influences that can potentially contribute to their sexual behavior during these critical years of their lives. The purpose of this paper is to discuss three factors that may play a role in teen’s sexual behavior: peers, parents and the media. The influence of peers has been suggested to be a contributing factor to a teen’s sexual behavior during their adolescent years. Teens are going through a transitional stage where they might disengage from their family and explore themselves …show more content…

(Potard,C. , Courtois,R. , & Rusch,E. , 2008). In regards to the research design, one of the tools that were used in this study is a questionnaire for interview-surveys on sexual experiences or inexperience as well as on the influence of peers on sexual health. The sample consisted of one hundred randomly selected students of an urban public high school in the city of Chartres. The sample was made up of 57 girls and 43 boys. The dependent variable in this study was adolescent sexual activity and sexual attitudes, several questions were asked to indicate if there’s an influence from peers on sexual behavior during adolescence. The independent variables consisted of: influence of peers and sexual activity/affective quality of relationships, influence of peers on contraceptive use and abortion and influence of peers and virginity. The findings of the study reveal, the concept of peers is linked to a higher degree of sexual initiation and commitment, as well as oral sex, but also engaging in safe sex. Sexual permissiveness of peers is linked with a higher level of sexual activity that may be considered dangerous. Peers feelings towards contraception are linked with protective contraceptive attitudes, without explicit impact on behavioral patterns (Potard,C. , Courtois,R. , & Rusch,E. , 2008). This concludes—(or rephrase quote <3) Another study in relation to peers and adolescent sexual behaviors is,

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