
Sexualized Teen Magazines

Decent Essays Sexualized Teen Magazines Conjointly, teen magazines have gained much popularity amongst youngsters by providing them with a plethora of information about romantic relationships, fashion trends, friendships and sex-related topics (Joshi, 2012). Explicit details on sexual activities and the losing of virginity were often discussed in such magazines (Kopacz, 2006). An analysis of the top four teen magazines has established that dating and sex were prominent features of the articles published (Kaiser Family Foundation cited in Johnson, 2015). For example, sexual wanting occurred in magazines like Seventeen, CosmoGirl!, United States Edition and Teen and encouraged girls to look more sexually attractive for boys (Joshi, 2012). On the other hand, male youths were found to be actively looking for sexual contents from magazines like Playgirl or Playboy, Men’s Health and Men’s Fitness which subsequently had an increased influence on their romantic and pre-coital sexual behaviours (Bleakley et al. 2011). Thus, adolescents’ …show more content…

According to Primack, Gold, Schwarz and Dalton (2008), 37% of popular songs referred to sexual activities and more than two thirds of the rap songs portrayed degrading sexual lyrics. Many of the adolescents surveyed even reported the frequency of sex in R&B , rap and hip hop music which were composed by artists such as Chris Brown, Drake, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Pitbull, Rihanna, R. Leyy and Nicki Minaj (TECHsex USA, 2011; Wright and Caske, 2015). For this reason, Wright and Caske (2015) found that music sexual lyrics and videos were correlated with the dating and sexual behaviours of Caucasian, African American and Hispanic college students. Thus, teens’ exposure to sexually explicit lyrics influenced their levels of non-coital activities (Williamson and Lawson

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