
The Power Of Language

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The Power of Language
Language is often defined as a system of communication, a way for humans to interact with one another. Language itself can hold a great amount of power. It can express one 's emotion, show love or hate, and could give meaning. For example an object has no identification unless the power of language is wielded to provide it a name based on its ability and function. Language often has a great influence on culture and religion. This is shown greatly in the cultures of the Hebrews and the Greeks which are known for their famous texts “Genesis” and “The Metamorphoses”, two pieces of literature that explains the creation of man from different ways of belief. The book of “Genesis” from the Hebrew Bible is used in the practice of Judaism and Christianity and is the most well known text of this culture. It is also believed to be the very first book written in the Bible. “The Metamorphosis” is a story taken from what is called Greek Mythology, where multiple Gods are believed to exist and each of them holding power over different things. Both texts use the power of language in different ways to express emotion and bring things to life.
Normally, words are used in language as communication, and a way to describe objects. Objects usually appear before words. Things are usually seen first, then they are named, described, and given a meaning. However that does not seem to be the case in the Book of Genesis. In Genesis, God spoke the world into existence. Before

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