
The Power Of Morality In ShakespeareBy William Shakespeare

Decent Essays

Hamlet Essay
Shakespeare's writing is seen in high schools across the country and while one might say that it is outdated and not even relevant today they will find themselves wrong. Shakespeare is relevant in 2017 as it teaches students the power of morality and its importance in today’s society. Hamlet is a play about the Prince of Denmark trying to avenge his father’s murder. Throughout the play, he searches for evidence to prove Claudius murdered King Hamlet. Hamlet’s soliloquy in Act 2 Scene 2 responds to his debate over morality in a series of rhetorical questions and a stream of consciousness which allow the audience to empathize with Hamlet’s conflicting emotions over morality. He questions the morality of his situation and comes to term with his own fate.
In this beginning of his soliloquy, as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern exit, Hamlet expresses his disdain for himself when he says “what a rogue and peasant slave am!” Hamlet is exceedingly hard on himself throughout the play and this becomes apparent to the audience in the opening lines of his speech. Hamlet compares himself to a slave because he does not have a choice to kill his uncle. He feels as if he is a slave to the job and that is it is a duty to kill Claudius to avenge his father's death. This is a not a choice that Hamlet is making, rather it is a duty he must complete for his father. In addition, his mind is also a slave to this murder as it is the only thing on Hamlet’s mind for the majority of the

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