
The Power Of Religion In Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

The Power of Religion ------"Life of Pi" Essay
Religion is the starting point of the entire novel in Life of Pi. Religion is crucial to Pi. It not only has been incorporated into his life, but also have helped him to survive his ordeal. At the beginning of the novel, Pi stated that he believed in three religions at the same time. In Pi’s concept, all the religions were about one god. He hoped that believing in more religions would take him closer to God. From this, we can see that religion is so crucial to Pi's life, because most people only believe in one religion. “I have a story that will make you believe in God.” This is a sentence that appears repeatedly in the novel, showing that religion is important to Pi. Pi’s life …show more content…

Then Pi told a very different story, a more real but extremely cruel story. Religion taught him that there was no difference in this world, true or false. People only believe what they choose to believe. And he is more willing to believe that all religions in this world are a god. So when religion makes him understand this truth, he was not arguing finally which one was true or false, as the original saying “You can not prove which story is true and which is not. You must take my word for it.” He just tells the true story to those who believe, and those who can understand.
Religion not only incorporates into Pi's daily life, but also determines his life or death. Religion helps Pi to survive the storm. When Pi's ship sank, his family was buried in the sea; religion became the only faith that supported him to survive. 227 days after he was drifting, only one bengal tiger accompanied him. But faith in religion keep him persisted and alive. At the end of the 227 days of rafting with a bengal tiger, he always said to others: "I have a story that will convince you of God," God helped. He, as if by chance, was God's arrangement, as if from the very beginning. Among all, he is the only one who believes in three regions. From immigrating to Canada with all families, to the sinking of the boat, he became the only one who is alive.

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