
The Power Of The Pyramids In Ancient Egypt

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In a time, long ago when Egypt was rich and powerful they had pyramids for their gods and Pharaohs. The pyramids were built as tombs to honor their kings to the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians believed that when their king died, part of his spirit, called the BA would remain with the body. The other part of the king’s spirit called the KA would not remain with the body. It would go to meet Osiris so Osiris could tell the king weather he could go to Yaru or not. If you did not go to Yaru you would be devoured by the Egyptian devil the devourer, which was a mix of dangerous animals turned into a monster.

The pyramids were built by slaves that worked for the Pharaoh before the Pharaoh had passed away and was ready to go to the afterlife. The slaves assembled the pyramids by pulling big blocks of limestone on sleds and lining up the blocks one by one until the pyramid was a compete 3D triangle. The angled sides of the pyramids represented the rays of the sun and to help their …show more content…

The hieroglyphics included paintings of food and drinks so that in the afterlife the pharaoh would not be hungry or thirsty. Many other images included names, animals, stories, and gods or goddesses. Inside the Pharaoh’s burial room, buried with him were things like precious stones, gold amulets, the book of the dead, and any pets he had when he was alive.

Pyramids were continuously built in the fifth and sixth dynasties. Some of the oldest pyramids were the Giza Pyramids also known as one of the seven wonders of the world. One of the biggest problems about keeping riches with the tombs was that thieves would find a way in and steal all of the riches. Today most of the recovered riches are in a museum where people can learn about them. People still visit Egypt today because they are interested in our history and being able to stand in front of what was once an active

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