
The Prayer Of The Holy Spirit

Decent Essays

When it comes to anything that has to do with my relationship with God and my love, worship, and praise for Him, I always take my direction from the Word which has all authority in my life and the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. Some refer to this as “Experiential Worship.” Experiential worship in not just another ministry trend, not just another clever skill: it is nothing less than discovering again the “biblical worship,” worship according to the Greatest Commandment of Jesus (Rognlien, 2005).
In my studies I have discovered the importance of “Praise and Worship” and it being a responsibility of every believer to make it a priority in their lives. Worship has priority in scripture. Take for instance what it says in the book of Revelation 14:7 “Fear God,” he shouted. “Give glory to him. For the time has come when he will sit as judge. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all the springs of water (New Living Translation, 2008).” The supreme duty of all of God’s creature, including man, for time and eternity, is to worship the creator. Jesus stated all creatures are responsible to worship.
Worship is the first and greatest commandment in the New Covenant and the first commandment of the Law under the Old covenant. So it really must be a major priority for God and us alike. So what does worship look like? Worship is an attitude of the heart. An attitude that is expressed in adoration, praise, and thanksgiving. Worship is a love response

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