
The Prevention Of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection

Decent Essays

This literature review essay will demonstrate a review of four different research articles and research related methodology The articles and review are based on the prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). The aim of this literature review is to review publications concerning the management of Catheter-related to UTI 's including the prevention. Articles reviewed include the various precaution and preventions concerning Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) The article evidence summarized bellow was generated using a literature search conducted for Randomised Controlled Trials, Systemic Review or quantitative and qualitative research.
A catheter is used in an event of an individual that has either had trauma or surgery and as a result has temporary urinary retention (Patton & Thibodeau, 2013)
General strategies for the prevention of CAUTI include measures such as hand hygiene and adherence. Strategies used for the prevention of CAUTI include using an aseptic technique for catheter insertion, limiting the duration of urinary catheters, and following standard infection control precautions for catheter care. Successful achievement implementation of these measures will result in a decrease of CAUTI 's (Bennett, 2014).
CAUTI are a big problem within the clinical settings. Up to about 80% of individuals develop a UTI due to the presence of a urinary catheter (American Association of critical Care, 2015). Long lasting catheterization

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