
The Priest 's Halloween Sermon

Decent Essays

I forced myself to think about the priest’s Halloween sermon. It was during that sermon that I experienced my first vison. I was watching the red and blue colors of the stained glass window. In the window was a boatload of apostles. Suddenly, I felt that the fishermen were in need of assistance and found myself standing on the shore of a river in the woodlands near the church. An old fisherman in need of a haircut whittled a twig as he stood a few paces to my right. I tried to tell him that I feared there were fishermen in trouble out on the water, but the old man seemed oblivious to my concern. Under a broadleaf canopy, I heard a distant tremble. A bank of ground fog approached us. I smelled pipe tobacco and fish odors. I looked at the …show more content…

I knew my vision was real. I remembered the stain in Vern’s vest came from years of placing his cherry wood pipe in his waistcoat pocket. I remembered my aunt telling me that Welsh twins made the best fishermen because they spent nine months together in the womb. Their brains grew as one, and from birth the twins acted identically. This commonality made it easier to twins to create a figure eight-shaped wake and fill their nets with fish. Outside the church, I filled my pipe, and as I smoked, I watched the parking lot traffic disappear. I asked myself, am I mentally unstable. Did the fisherman stand for my platoon? Was Vern really Bao? I made my way to my aunt’s house. Her home smelled of fresh cut pine, and she offered me a cup of coffee with a cinnamon stick in it. I accepted, and we went to the kitchen table and discussed our week. As she talked, I looked out her kitchen table. A small oak grew in the front yard. Snow capped the birdfeeder beside her bird bath. “The Welsh word for druid is derwydd,” she said. “Everything I have taught you must be put to memory. “I know,” I answered, “You say that every Sunday when I visit you.” “It is important for you to memorize it. Don’t write it down. The written word can be used against you. We’ve kept our secrets this way for generations.” “I am memorizing everything you tell me,” I said. “That is why I repeat myself,” she answered, “It is

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