
The Primary Difference Between Classroom And Online Classes

Decent Essays

The primary difference between classroom and online classes is attending class in the classroom with a pre-set schedule. It is a lot easier to attend class online with a busy schedule. You can log on anytime you are available and watch videos, work on homework or discussions. If you had to attend classes, you would have to watch a live lecture in the classroom at a set time. That is the thing I love about Bethel is that I can do it when I have time.

During my research, I noticed that the article talked about not having interaction with other students being a problem with online learning because you are not getting direct contact with instructors and classmates. Bethel has come up with a way to compromise that problem. I’ve learned that Bethel uses the discussion post and respond for the students to interact with one another. It may not be face to face or immediate feedback but it is a way for students to interact with each other.

There are a few more differences between online learning and classroom setting. With online learning you have less tuition, a plus which is no commute to school and fewer fees. You do not have to purchase all those textbooks with Bethel, they have a huge online library where you as a student have access to all of the online books. (May, R.)

Although the online schools and traditional settings have some differences, there main goal is the same. To provide students with an educational experience that enables them to grow in their chosen field

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