
The Problem Of Death / Illnesses

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In order to see what we truly do, we are going to break down what we do in each area in order to help. Starting with health, where millions of people die from avoidable causes in those countries, like Syria, affected by violent conflict and natural disasters. This includes troubles related to crisis, such as: poor sanitation, famines of food and medicine, and insufficient prevention. In order to do this, we empower community health workers to treat leading causes of death/illnesses, we create strategies for treating hunger, ensure access to immunization, access to reproductive agencies for women and girls, educating people on their emotional and mental health, provide clean water, work on ways to have good hygiene and sanitation, and ensure people are well-served by health institutions. These practices plus numerous others have helped millions improve their healthcare and sanitation. (IRC) This is just the start. Another thing we work on bettering is a refugee’s safety. In order to be successful in improving their lives, the refugees, especially women and children, need to be in a protected place. IRC recognizes this so we have a goal to create a relationship with those in trouble, help them obtain shelter, build safer communities, and know their human rights. A good amount of the time women and children are in danger of violence in their homes and communities because they are the most vulnerable population. We want to make sure that these refugees are protected in all

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