
The Problem Of Evil By Robert M. Adams

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THE PROBLEM OF EVIL IN THE WORLD Evil is in the eye of the beholder, sometimes a daily reality. To present the problem of evil you must first know that evil exists. Since God reveals himself as the all-powerful, all knowing and all good, how can the same God allow evil to exist and for bad things to happen to good people? Our suffering, as well as the suffering of others, vividly marks the presence of evil in our world. The majority of us struggle at one time or another in life with why evil happens to our family, friends, nation and ourselves. In recent news we also hear about particularly disturbing instances—a child raped, a school shooting, genocide in another country, a terrorist bombing. In this paper, I will review the literature from authors Robert M. Adams (2006), James Cain (2004) and Richard Hauser (1994) on the topic of theodicy and how they align with my viewpoint. I will discuss the virtual certainty in loving any human would not have existed in a world that does not contain evil, how God bestowed upon us the freewill to allow the existence of evil in our lives and how God’s plan for humans involves temporary evil for the greater good Unfortunately, “love is often defined in a shallow manner in today’s culture; it is seen as something that overlooks the need to confront sin. Discipline at all levels of sin is often ignored because holding people accountable is surely not the loving thing to do” ("Ligonier Ministries"). God, however, never overlooks sin and

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