
The Problem Of Evil By Thomas B. Warren Essay

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In his refutation of the atheist’s argument using “the problem of evil”, Thomas B. Warren denies one of Mackey’s “additional premises” to his basic argument; he stated in “Proposition W6”, “It is not the case that a good, omnipotent thing eliminates evil completely,” (Warren 1972). On this matter, I wholeheartedly agree with Mackey and disagree with Warren. A good, omnipotent Being (God) does eliminate eliminate evil completely; He would not be good if He did not eliminate evil to the greatest of His abilities, and being omnipotent, He possesses the power to eliminate evil completely. The problem with Warren’s proposition is that, whether intentionally done for the sake of simplifying his argument or a matter of simple oversight, it binds God to something He is in no way bound to: time. As will be discussed later, God exists outside of time and is not bound to it, because He is its Creator. To assert that God is not obligated to eliminate evil completely because evil exists in the temporal world, and then attempt to harmonize that fact with God’s goodness, is fallacious; it is binding God to time, and assuming that because He has not done something already, that He is not in the process of completing it nor will He do it eventually. This matter will be examined more thoroughly later in this writing.
Having examined the omnipotence and omnibenevolence of the God of the Bible, as they relate to the atheist’s argument against God’s existence, it is also important to note other

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