
The Problem Of Teenage Years

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Without a doubt, teenage years can be an extremely challenging time in one’s life; however, these years can also be a time when individuals expand their knowledge to build themselves a brighter future. With help from the Junior Achievement Organization, teens can explore the many options available to them, find their niche and even start their own business.
Drug Dealer Changes His Life by Trading Potential Prison Term for a Life Filled with Success
Without a doubt, Julian Young is an inspiration to many. As a teen, Young partied all the time and worked as a drug dealer. Facing a 15-year prison term, Young realized that his life was in shambles. He called his father, who encouraged him to come home. Young made his transformation from a drug dealer to a model citizen with guidance from a mentor. His mentor made him realize that even though he was a drug dealer, he was also an entrepreneur. He could use that experience to build his own business.
Today, Julian Young is not a number just sitting in a prison cell; he is a husband, father, entrepreneur, published author and a pastor preparing to open his own church. Young is also the executive director and founder of The Start Center for Entrepreneurship An organization

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