
The Problems With The 21st Century Education System

Satisfactory Essays

All around the world, people are trying to better education. New national standards are placed and standardized tests are becoming more difficult. As a current student in high school, with twelve years of an education background in the modern day school, I believe there are many problems with the 21st century education system. Two problems being, creativity is not fostered in schools and the most important thing to students is their GPA. Imagine living in a world, where creativity does not exist. Due to the fact that creativity and imagination are not encouraged in schools, a world with no creativity may someday, exist. Imagine taking a new medicine, but finding out the pharmacist who made it, cheated their way through pharmacy school. This also, may one day be true, if schools do not decrease their emphasis on grades, so that students may actually learn the material instead of cheating, just so they can get a good grade. Due to these two problems, the education system is currently insufficient in providing students with a well-rounded education that they can utilize in the workplace.
In United States schools, creativity is not fostered. This is due to art classes being cut and a lack of imagination in classrooms. By not encouraging imagination in school, kids do not have a way to express themselves or show how unique they are. Charles Dickens uses satire in Hard Times, to show how the lack of imagination negatively affects children. “He seemed a kind of cannon loaded to

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