
Essay on The Process of Surveying and Researching Project Managers

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Based on the brief literature reviews and objectives, relationship establishment is needed (Bryman and Bell, 2007), which are conveyed as follows:
Q1: Is project management relevant to Indonesian electricity transmission contractors?
H1: Whenever there are specific targets with limited resources, it is relevant. Relevancy means the contractors are involved in a unique scope of work that they should adapt the basic principles of project management.
Q2: How the contractors strategize the phases on their electricity transmission projects?
H2: Learning by doing is a common practice for Indonesian contractors. Academic concept and approach to manage complex projects are needed.
Q3: Are there any relation between project management standards …show more content…

Furthermore, the target of the research questionnaire is approximately 40 questionnaires or around 51.28% from the total of 78 electricity transmission contractors (Code 24004, Grade 7) which focused on project managers. This will be followed by letters delivered personally to each and every office of the contractors. Then, the collection of the questionnaires will be on-site by visiting the contractor offices. This will be done with appointments via phone calls in order to interview project managers/owners/key persons who responsible for the on-going electricity transmission projects. The interviews could be done in the form of unstructured and semi-structured, Bryman and Bell (2007). However, another option is using hand delivered questionnaire so that the respondents could answer themselves whenever they refuse direct interview (Bryman and Bell, 2007).
7. Data Analysis
Approximately 2 parts of questionnaire result will be obtained. Both quantitative and qualitative strategies will be used in data analysis. Bryman and Bell (2007) mentioned that quantitative, qualitative and mixed techniques may be used to validate data obtained. Thus, classification will be given; Basic Intermediate and Advance. Therefore, in order to calculate the degree of 10 knowledge areas in the PMBOK Guide 5th Edition, all practices under the goals

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