
The Progressive Social Reform Movement

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The Progressive community mainly contained Northeastern caucasians, all whom are well educated and middle class. At first, progressivism is more of a social reform movement than a political party, until 1912. The unification of the movement was the ideology of Social Darwinism(that the policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering), was morally and intellectually wrong. The ideologies of Progressivism had swept the nation. The movement helped construct a cohesive economic and social reform that would reach astonishing results from every aspect of society, politician, education, workers, native american and women. Essentially, Progressivism was an attack upon private power, reasserting the public's interest and decrying the "special" interests, sometimes in extreme terms. However, this was an act to redistribute wealth toward the nation. the most important goals met was trust busting and the elimination of big boss'. Break the powerful trusts and monopolies was a key factor in progressivism and accomplishing its goals. Education reform in the late nineteenth century America by Progressive movement consisted of a lower scale of intellectual exercises, all of which were highly focused and influenced on industrialization. In addition, the structure of the classroom, were sort of restructure of a soviet like …show more content…

Because of the massive immigration and skyrocketing population growth, there were not enough houses, leaving many people in unhealthy conditions; poverty levels were high; environmental conditions in neighborhoods and workplaces were particularly undesirable; Many immigrants worked at a young age and were subjected to long hours and unsafe conditions. However, the progressives helped Native Americans, Women, and African Americans gain rights and respect in American society. These minority groups were treated more equally due to the progressive

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