
The Promotion Of Gender Specific Clothing

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The promotion of gender specific clothing did not commence until just before World War I (Maglaty 1). Pink was designated to boys, while blue was assigned to girls. During that era, pink was deemed a decided and fierce color, making pink more suitable for the boy who is associated with aggressiveness, courage, stamina, and toughness (Maglaty 1). Blue obtained a reputation for being delicate and dainty, making the color more appropriate, in terms of comeliness, for the girl, who was customarily, assigned a subservient role. With the invention of prenatal testing, expected parents were able to learn the sex of their child, granting them the opportunity to shop ahead of time for “boy” or “girl” products and clothing (Maglaty 2). Clothing …show more content…

Throughout the developing transition from a toddler to an adolescent, children from the start are subjected to highly advanced and omnipresent advertisements and television shows that only reinforce social conventions of gender roles and norms. Children’s television portrayal of the female identity greatly influences the construction of how a child behaves, dresses, and thinks and as a result confines children from forming their own notions about identity. To prevent children from believing who they are is unacceptable or abnormal; children’s television shows should make an effort to portray more diverse gender identities and lessen the depiction of traditional gender roles. Furthermore, toddlers are easily molded due to their rapid brain development and television obtains a grand impression in shaping their minds along with their perceptions.
Children grow and develop as they acquire knowledge and information from their surroundings. Jean Piaget, a developmental psychologist, defines this process as the cognitive theory in which experiences of the outside world are internalized. A child assimilates new information into their already existing schemas, or conceptual frameworks, of knowledge and then adjusts the brand new information by accommodating it to their preexisting knowledge. Children’s behaviors and attitudes are shaped by the television they watch. Children’s concepts and notions derive from the world in addition to

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