
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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In one year, people in the United States consume 1 billion chickens, 150 million cattle, pigs and sheep annually. Compared to this, the total combined amount of animals used for research is only 26 million, with 95% the animals being rodents, birds and fish. This would account to nearly 340 chickens consumed per animal used in research (US Statistics, 2016). Consequently, even with this knowledge, people continue to ignore facts and statistics; calling this practice unethical or even inhumane. This is due the rise of social media and organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), whose tactics rely more on emotional appeal than facts and logic, going so far as to twist and manipulate and the information given until it suits their ideals. Because of this, the amount of myths and misleading information spread around has increased over these past years. What this community fails to mention is the benefits and misconceptions of animal testing, as well as the vital part that it plays in the field of medicine and veterinary science. All of these (based on facts and statistics) are why animal testing for research purposes should be allowed to continue.
When imagining a scientist doing tests on animals; many often see a shady, psychopathic maniac holding a scalpel threateningly over a innocent looking animal. In reality, this is never the case; with one neurologist stating: “ Those I know are compassionate, humane people who carry out their work with

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