
The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, every year about 100 million animals will be used for lab testing in the United States.(PETA) These animals range from fish to horses, and everything in between; and although this type of experimentation endangers the lives of animals, still many argue that it greatly benefits mankind. The opposition believes that limiting animal experimentation will stop the progress they are making in science, and experimentation in laboratories isn't unruly. The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, or AALAS, has established nine guidelines that all experimenters must follow when using animals; these guidelines were put in place to protect animals from being harmed. Although they were intended for the purpose of protecting animal rights, most scientists don’t comply with them. Cases of animal abuse and neglect have risen and are very common amongst laboratories. These guidelines created are not providing enough restrictions to prevent animal abuse in the laboratory setting. Solely using guidelines will not stop the abuse and neglect that goes on in these experiments. The guidelines that the AALAS created provide standards for the animals subjected to experimentation, which helps to keep them from being harmed. These guidelines state; that the animals transportation and care must be in accordance with the Animal welfare act, animals must be of minimum amount and of good quality, avoid discomfort

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