
The Pros And Cons Of Depression

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We exist in a time where most of what was considered taboo is now being accepted as a variance in lifestyle, practice, or behavior. People are being judged less for who or what they are and the trend of openness and tolerance is setting in. Although we have made strong efforts as a society to be understanding and loving to all, some in our world still hold traditional and archaic views on certain issues. In some parts of the world the illness of ‘depression’ still holds no value or merit. “Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act.” (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.). Depression ha the classification of ‘medical illness’, but …show more content…

Individual illness beliefs include; identity, the perceived cause of illness, time line, consequences, and curability and controllability.’ (Ogden, 2017). This model coupled with the five core beliefs contributing to a person making sense of their illness, are complimentary in the process of help-seeking behavior. ‘The five core beliefs are identity, the perceived cause of the illness, timeline, consequences, and durability and controllability.‘ (Ogden, 2017). It is important for Magda to get proper treatment for her illness. “Untreated clinical depression is a serious problem. Untreated depression increases the chance of risky behaviors such as drug or alcohol addiction. It also can ruin relationships, cause problems at work, and make it difficult to overcome serious illnesses.” (Webmd, n.d.). Without proper care, Magda could begin to engage in severely deleterious activities, causing not only personal and mental, but social, biological impairment. Some of these dangers could be lasting, leading to further depression (a continued cycle). Proper help-seeking behavior, most obviously includes behavior

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