
The Pros And Cons Of Discrimination

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In many countries as well as the United States, there are various laws that protect individuals from discrimination, in the United States, there are protected classes under the Civil Rights laws that makes it illegal to discriminate against people that fall into these categories, these protected classes are “Race, Color; National Origin; Sex; Age; or Disability” (Peck, 2006, p. 11). However, is there ever a time that it is lawful to discriminate against an older person? We’ll examine this question and describe scenarios when this might be allowed.
Civil Rights Basics and Scenario 1-When Age discrimination is lawful (legal)
Civil Rights was enacted in the mid sixties in the United States to protect potential employees from unlawful discrimination, therefore if you can prove that you weren’t hired based on one of the protected classes, Race, Color, National Origin, Sex, Religion, ;ater Age or Disability, was added, you can very well initiate litigation against a potential employer. For Example:A black woman that is discriminated against simply because she is black and doesn’t get the job based on her skin color is facing racial discrimination and therefore might have the basis for a lawsuit alleging unlawful discrimination. This same protection applies to older individuals, age 40 and up to preserve their ability to be considered in the employment pool, and therefore can’t be discriminated against just because they have begun to age. However, the law allows for some

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