
The Pros And Cons Of Dismissal With Prejudice

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dismissed with prejudice during that last hearing, without any extra trial or fees, if Charter agrees. Charter’s lawyer said to submit to Charter a request for dismissal with prejudice. Charter said they will only dismiss with prejudice if Plaintiff signs the agreement. Plaintiff refused to sign, because signing would give up his rights and say Charter did no harm, which is false. SEE EXHIBITS “21,” “22,” “23,” & “24.” 82. Charter has intentionally inflicted emotional distress on Plaintiff by making co-workers associated with Plaintiff sign settlements in order to prohibit them from speaking on Plaintiff’s behalf. SEE EXHIBITS “52” & “53.” XIV. NINTH CAUSE OF ACTION NEGLIGENT INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS (Against All Defendants …show more content…

Plaintiff’s family was urged by the police to get security cameras and a fence to fence off their property. Plaintiff’s home is far from the street. Whoever is doing the vandalisms are trespassing, and purposefully trying to inflict harm on the driver of the vehicles. This has placed even more financial burden on Plaintiff’s parents to protect their property, and their family. SEE EXHIBITS “47,” “67,” & “70.” 86. Charter has caused Plaintiff anguish and he has lost faith in doing the right thing and reporting harassment. 87. Charter permitted Plaintiff to have to work under a hostile work environment, and did nothing about the car vandalisms on Charter property, which has caused Plaintiff to take a longer time to finish school, by having to drop classes due to the stress experienced at work, and having the burden to repair his car every time it is vandalized. SEE EXHIBITS “58” & “59.” PRAYER FOR RELIEF (As to All Causes of Action) SEE EXHIBIT 71 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendants, and each of them, as follows: 1. For general damages, including emotional distress damages, according to proof on each cause of action for which such damages are available. 2. Nominal damages. 3. For special damages, according to proof on each cause of action for which such damages are available. Also, including, without limitation, lost salary, both front and back pay, bonuses, and any other benefits to which

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