
The Pros And Cons Of ESL Students

Decent Essays

This paper will discuss the ESL students and the programming that must be implemented in order to have an effective contributing outcome. ESL students are defined as people whose first born language is not English. However, not all ESL students are immigrants, according to Alberta Education (2007) there are two main groups of ESL learners; Canadian – born and the second is termed as Foreign –born.
ESL students originate from many differential cultural backgrounds. Therefore, an ESL program must be accommodating for every student. Which is dependent on their prior knowledge (Alberta Education, 2017). The programs offered to ESL students are universal: must learn to speak the dominate language of the nation they moved to and the ESL programs commit to fostering and supporting the student's achievement in speaking fluent English. In addition, the need for modifying the program is starting to amplify as the ESL students are starting to become more diverse in ethnicities. (Sentence is good?)
Moreover, two primary aspects of ESL students and the ESL program can be exigent (pressing or demanding) for both the student and EA's. All ESL students are confronted by challenges. It is our job to ensure these encounters are met with comfort and fluent adaptions. ESL Students in Alberta
Alberta ESL students who are eligible for ESL programming are provided funding by the government for a maximum of five years (Alberta Government, 2016). ESL students

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