
The Pros And Cons Of Fast Food

Decent Essays

The topic of fast food consumption is one that is quite controversial between those that choose to indulge and others who choose to make healthier food choices. Fast food corporations typically offer their customers readily made food options or pre-cooked meals. Some of the largest and most successful fast food chains in America include, McDonalds, Starbucks, Burger King, Wendy’s and Chick Fil-a. All of which are just some of the many billion dollar companies.
If these companies are worth billions, it’s evident that consumers are spending plenty of money within these businesses. Despite always hearing about how unhealthy fast food is, our society chooses to consume it regardless, which leaves us to wonder why would anyone want to put something into their body that could potentially harm them? Yet, a fast food consumer could also argue the same about someone who chooses to to smoke or drink alcohol. The power of persuasion easily influences consumers to purchase things that aren’t in their best interest health wise. Therefore, many brands and companies utilize different marketing strategies in order to convince consumers to buy, without quite indicating the effects of your purchase. In addition, most consumers also succumb to purchasing fast food simply because it’s convenient for their lifestyle. Sometimes the easier way out is enough to assure individuals that they’re making a positive choice.

Marketing: Marketing your product is the most straightforward way to

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