
The Pros And Cons Of Gun Violence

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Another policy that could be put in place to help prevent spree killings are gun violence restraining orders. These would help with public offenses, but mainly private offenses and since private offenses are more common, it would hopefully lower a number of offenses. Gun violence restraining orders prohibit a person from buying or possessing a gun for a specified amount of time. This is an emergency legal step for potential victims and concerned family members. If they believe that someone who is close to them is dangerous and could hurt them or others, then they can petition the court for the restraining order. Family members and close friends are most likely to know if a person has violent behavior and could potentially harm others (Crockett, E., 2017). There is not much the law can do behind closed doors unless someone speaks out to them and this is a great way for them to do so.
Lastly, there should be federal training programs for state and local law enforcement agencies. These programs should train these agencies to do a better job of enforcing the laws that already exist. They should be federal programs because that way the program will be universal across all fifty states. No matter where the officer is, the training is the same.
There is not one correct answer as to how to prevent this type of crime or any type of crime for that matter. However, if many policies are made and put into place the combination of the policies will help to prevent it. Also, the great

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