
The Pros And Cons Of Immigrants In Canada

Decent Essays

Imagine Canada without immigrants? Without having they wonderful multiculturalism that immigrants bring into Canada we wouldn't be the diversite country we are now. In my essay I am going to talk about how Canada benefits from immigration. I’m going to be talking about the positive and negative of these three classes: Economic class, Family class and the refugee class. This is how the fantastic country of Canada benefits from the three classes of immigrants. These three classes of immigration have all this wonderful advantages that help create the safe and secure country of Canada but they do have some disadvantages that make our country not so safe. First of all the economic class of immigrants are taking all the jobs from the aboriginal people in Canada. This issue resulted in Resolution 49 that was passed in 2005. This …show more content…

This doesn't seem like a big number but if you think about it all of these people have something tragic happening in there country like: war, torture and cruel punishment. One of the most important part is they have a act called the Immigration And Refugee Protection Act. This act has three key points to it: to save lives, to meet the legal obligations that Canada has agreed too and lastly to offer a place of refuge. This act was made because of the Singh Decision. In 1985 Canada supreme court ruled that the 1976 immigration act was a violation of section 7 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms witch is the right to life, liberty and security of the person. After this discussion they came up with the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act that doesn't violate immigrants rights. Refugees are also very great workers they come to Canada ready to work hard and start a new life. In 2016 the amount of immigrants that came to Canada was 46,700, that is the highest it has been since 1980. Helping refugees is an amazing way to spend life and Canada has done it

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