
Should Illegal Immigrants Be Forced To Leave?

Decent Essays

Most citizens of Canada and the U.S., on the other hand, will rarely seek employment on farms or factories even in times of recession or unemployment: this makes immigrant labour, whether legal or not, essential to the economies of both nations. Instead of fining employers or deporting workers, government should focus on reforming current immigration laws to make it easier for undocumented immigrants to gain legal status.
Furthermore, illegal immigrants still pay taxes which contribute to services that they often cannot access. For example, healthcare in Canada is funded through personal and corporate taxes, sales taxes and payroll levies. If undocumented employees receive pay cheques, they contribute to this system, and even those who are paid in cash still pay taxes on consumer purchases. Naturally, providing legal status to these individuals would increase the tax base, and save money spent on tracking, detaining and deporting illegal immigrants.
Beyond their labour and economic contributions, undocumented immigrants contribute to the ethnic and cultural diversity found in North America. With the highest percentage of foreign-born citizens of all G8 countries, Canada is known as a nation of diverse cultures, religions and languages. 2012 saw an influx …show more content…

Should a lack of official documentation be the only consideration for sending millions of people back to poverty, few opportunities, or dangerous environments? In reality, the costs would be too great—not only to the people themselves but for the millions of businesses that rely on them as labourers and consumers. This is what undocumented immigrants offer to Canadian and American society and their very presence adds to the richness and diversity of these nations. Rather than deportation, providing opportunities for naturalization and citizenship would be a far less costly and much more advantageous

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