
The Pros And Cons Of Later School Start Times

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The authors of the two texts, “High Schools Starting Later to Help Sleepy Teens” and “High School Will Keep Starting Too Early. Here's why.” has different claims regarding the school start time for teenagers, mainly high schoolers. The author of the first text advocates that later school start time is beneficial. However, the author of the second text contradicts the later school start time. In essence, one author advocates the usage of later school start time while the other one contradicts it. The author of the first text advocates the usage of later school start time for many reasons. First of all, according to the text, the Minneapolis school district changed its start time from 7:20 to 8:40 a.m. and the students benefited from the change. The author states that "Students reported less depression when there was a later starting time." Secondly, the author stated that "In 2003, Jessamine County's high schools started 50 minutes later." As a result, students were more on time and in better attendance first period than they had been in the past. Lastly, as stated in the text, “teachers especially wanted a change because they were concerned about student attendance and student readiness to learn that first period of the day." The author then stated that “We noticed better attendance and less student sleeping in class that first …show more content…

First of all, the author states that “early start times aren't going away quickly, and probably won't, because of the costs.” Secondly, as stated in the text, "School boards often hear objections about disruptions at the other end of the school day: Kids getting home really late from sports practice or chess club, or not being able to work after-school jobs." Lastly, according to the text, the expensive issue is the transportation. The author also states that “Meaning, the district runs each bus multiple times every

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