Government funding to the military needs to be cut in order to have more money available for programs such as: infrastructure, education and health care.
Today the United States government is spending seven hundred billion dollars a year on the military when they already have the necessary equipment to do their jobs. Military spending needs to be cut in order to have more money for other important programs like education and health care. In Being George Washington, Glenn Beck says that by April 1776 Washington had spent five thousand, two hundred, and thirty two dollars on military intelligence gathering. Military spending has risen from one thousand five hundred dollars per person in 1994 to two thousand seven hundred dollars per person in
The United States has spent so much money on the military that they have not taken much consideration into much else. This could put the United States into debt.
It's 19 percent of what we spend every year.( Doc C) Enough on that though we can also cut costs on other things too like Social services because we are handing money to people. I don't see how that does anything for the country, we should bring back the CCC and make more jobs. That way America gets invested into and we stop handing out money. If they need money they can help work for it not be handed tax money. We also need to take some of the cut money from the Big 5 and put more into FBI because they can stop terrorists before they strike. That is currently the biggest threat against the United
Since the inception of the United States of America 250 years ago, our government has enacted a practice of lies and deceit that keep its citizens in the dark. Matters such as false allegations that result in long standing wars, financial misuse and abuse, secret alliances that serve the government agenda's, and the altering of history affect not only the US citizens, it affects the global population as a whole. This deception has resulted in mistrust of the US Government as people question what our government is up to and what they are seeking to gain. In order to earn the public's trust, the United States Government needs to be transparent with its citizens, giving us the information whether it's positive or negative instead of allowing
Public opinion on the military budget has been divided for years. Surveys have previously shown a large number of Americans believing the nation spends too much on the military, others seem to be happy with the current levels of military spending and a small number saying they think the government spends too little. Now that spending has been cut, the public is more divided on the issue than it has been in decades. This makes the issue of military spending a particularly hot-button issue for the newly elected Republican
The United States of America’s defense budget is accounted for by the spending for the Department of Defense. All the funding directed to the Department of Defense covers its base budget through payment of the department 's normal activities (National Priorities). Most presidential candidates support the idea of the United States of America developing a bigger military force or at least leaving it as big as it currently is, except most notably Berny Sanders. The United States of America currently stands at a $494 billion-dollar deficit (US Debt Clock) and many politicians want to reduce this deficit by cutting down budget or enforcing a balanced budget amendment. Berny Sanders has for years and still at the moment still criticizing politicians who have such ideas which he terms as regressive. Berny Sanders argues that the federal defense spending and military budget are three times larger than that of the second biggest spender: China. He further argues that even among military members, many believe that
The United Stated government only spends about 5,2% of their GDP(global domestic product) for educational purposes, and in money, that is equivalent to $898.5 million out of the $17.97 trillion that they make. (CIA Factbook) Because of this shortage of funding, many schools, especially public schools in Chicago, are forced to work with less money, and don’t allow them to be able to create extracurricular programs for the students, make renovations in the school, or do other things of that nature. The total CPS budget is $5.69 billion, but they are facing a shortfall of one billion dollars.(Bradley) That is about 18% of CPS’ total budget that is being taken away from them. This shows how big a problem these cuts actually are and how much it affects the schools and the community. One of the areas of the country’s budget that could be spent less on is military. The United States’ total discretionary spending, which is the government spending implemented through an appropriations bill and are usually necessities, is around $1.11 trillion in 2015. The military expenditure 53.71% of the total discretionary spending, which is $598.49 billion, while the government only spends 6.28% on education, which is $69.98 billion.( That is a $528.51 billion difference! Does the United States actually have to spend that much on their military? The United States is the country that spends the most on its military, at about $1.56 trillion
The defense spending increase will be possible with cutting other areas of government spending, primarily foreign aid.
Throughout human history, war has permeated the lives of billions of people. From early conflicts such as conquests to control vast swaths of land by Alexander the Great and Cyrus the Great to modern, global wars such as the World Wars, the concept of war has been at the forefront of humanity’s mind for centuries. However, in recent years, opposition to war and lack of participation in the military has become a common theme in many countries, including the United States. To help alleviate the troubles caused by lack of participation, the United States instituted a law allowing for the conscription of its citizens. Conscription, which can also be referred to as a draft, is defined as the compulsory drafting of citizens into military service (What). The Draft has been utilized throughout US History in a couple of prominent wars; however, opposition has manifested against the Vietnam War and the draft, rightfully stemming from ethical opposition to the war and hatred for what the war and the draft stood for.
When a government’s spending exceeds its revenues causing or deepening a deficit it is called deficit spending. Deficit spending is only one of numerous tools used to help manage the economy. Deficit spending is presumed to stimulate consumer demand by helping the consumer to obtain more money to spend, in turn, the demand of product will rise. There are advantages and disadvantages to deficit spending that we will discuss further below.
The first reason that military spending should be cut down on is that it takes away the focus from other incredibly important areas. One of the many areas that loose focus because of the large amount of military spending is the education sector. Primary education should be one of the main concerns of our government. Not only because it is where we teach our children about the world, but also it gives them the chance for a better future. They do not learn this from the military. The main reason that education is a better investment is because in the long run education helps the economy grow, since it creates a more skillful labor force. The amount of spending that goes into the military takes away from the potential of a long-term benefit to our
“The United States spent $598.5 billion dollars alone on the military in 2015. That is 54% of all spending in 2015. The US only spent $70 billion (6%) on education and $13.1 billion (1%) on food and agriculture.” (“Military Spending”). This shows what Americans really value.
I disagree with the egregiously high military budget for several reasons. Not only do I feel that other pivotal areas of our society are lacking support, but I also disagree
There are not any easy ways to cut spending on the military especially since we are in the middle of fighting in Iraq. We can not just pull some troops or provide them with less weapons or supplies then expect them to protect our country as well as they are now. We need a defense budget that matches the new security challenges, not the threats of the last century. We need to recognize that a strong economy is essential for providing the resources to meet future threats; addressing these long-term debts will keep our economy strong.
While in some cases this is certainly true, such as the market, areas such as education should be, at least a larger portion than now, subsidized. The military itself has declared the lack of education a threat to national security because think about it, those drones are pretty complicated to build and fly. If its education system is to become completely privatized and unfunded by the government, it won't be able to manufacture or even control any advanced weaponry or defenses. While there are various other areas that could be cut, defense is easily the most logical one, at least during peacetime. As of 2015, the United States spent a bit more than $800 billion on defenses all together. The government's failure to fund education overall has led to local governments to do most of the spending. When you look at colleges, the government spends little to no money, comparatively, on them, forcing most students to take out student loans just to get through college. A lot of the time, students must deal with these loans for a large part of their life and often times, loan lenders will take them to court if they can't keep up with the payments, which is entirely possible. These loans can usually dictate what the graduates can do with their money throughout their lives and in order to have a prosperous and intelligent society, the United States must put more effort and money into
Since the attacks a number of civil defense programs have been initiated, which leads to more departments asking for an allowance within the national budget. This ultimately is leading to a larger and larger deficit that is quickly encompassing full percentage points of our GDP. There is a debate on how much defense