
The Pros And Cons Of Race In America

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The more one thinks about it- either by watching the news, or from day-to-day experiences, or both- the more it seems clear that a good deal of African Americans simply don’t like living with White Americans. Many blacks seem to think that they would be better off without whites. The solution to America’s race problems is quite simple, if a bit hard to stomach. The long-term solution to America’s race issue is for blacks to have areas of the country to call their own- likewise with all the other races.
Blacks in this country seem to be increasingly of the opinion that whites are incurably racist. Take the Black Lives Matter movement. 83% of blacks support BLM . The official Black Lives Matter website states they are working towards “a world where black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.” Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, who was the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, said that, in the aftermath of Ferguson, “you may kill black men in this country without consequences or repercussions.” The black talk show host and author Tavis Smiley writes that when he once gave a speech at Lehigh University, a black student asked him if he thought blacks could someday be enslaved again. Mr. Smiley says he thought hard about the question, and answered “Yes ” The prominent black writer Mychal Denzel Smith asked, “what is justice, in a nation built on white supremacy and the destruction of black lives ?” Vinita Hegwood, a nineteen-year veteran schoolteacher in a suburb

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