
The Pros And Cons Of Reproduction Of Art

Decent Essays

Reproduction of art is something that has been done throughout history. As technology advances, so does the way that people reproduce art. From early ages to current times the reproduction of art has had a varying opinion as to whether it should or should not be done. Some groups believe that art should be kept in a small elite community. They are the ones who believe art should not be reproduced and spread throughout the world. On the other hand, there are those who believe art is meant to be seen by everyone. This group believes art should be reproduced so that the masses have an equal opportunity. Time has improved technology, which has aided the ability to reproduce art.
Art has been recreated in many ways over the ages. In the past, the main means of recreating would have been to be in front of the original and then to attempt to make an identical copy. The downside is that there would always be some flaw or difference. On the positive side, this would still allow far more people to view it. Overtime as technology advanced we have developed new ways to reproduce art. The next major jump in technology lead us to the invention of the camera. The camera allowed someone to take a picture of the original, which was far more accurate version of reproduction. The camera also allowed people to create multiple prints of the photo, meaning a greater amount of people could to view the image. Berger did not care for what the camera has done for art as he suggests “The uniqueness of every painting was once part of the uniqueness of the place where it resided.” (Berger,114) Technology has advanced even further since John wrote this literature, but I believe he would be even more disgusted by digital media. With digital media, we are capable of spreading an image across the world in seconds, and anyone can view it.
John Berger makes a numerous amount of remarks in ‘Ways of Seeing’ towards what the reproduction of art has done to the art community. As Berger expresses his opinion in his essay, he states “What the modern means of reproduction have done is to destroy the authority of art and to remove it.” (Berger, page 126) This makes it clear that Berger is against the reproduction of art. This connects him

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