
The Pros And Cons Of Sexual Assault

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An American is sexually assaulted every 98 seconds, and every 8 minutes, that victim is a child. Only 310 out of 1,000 assaults are reported, but only 6 out of 1,000 perpetrators end up in prison (RAINN). Although sexual assault is egregious, these perpetrators are less likely to end up in prison than other criminals. The reason that is seems to be that victims do not report their cases. So why are sexual assault victims afraid to share their stories? Victims often do not report their assault because of many reasons, including the fear of reprisal, the belief that the police could not and would not do anything about the case, or because they simply did not know how to approach an official.
Sexual assault is sexual intercourse, or any sexual act, done without consent. It is often violent where victims are being physically forced to engage in the act against their will. It may involve a stranger or someone familiar. All forms of sexual assault are crimes, even if the parties involved were drinking, taking drugs, given drugs, or unconscious. Hundreds of Americans are affected by sexual violence everyday. Although there is a lot more attention being given to this topic than there was previously, many people still do not believe that it is a big deal. I see a lot of jokes about rape and sexual violence, and viewers find them to be epigrammatic. Also, men make claims like “asking for permission is a sign of weakness” or “forcing yourself on women makes them love you” as an excuse

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