
The Pros And Cons Of The Bombing Of Hiroshima

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While many believe the bombing of Hiroshima was justifiable and necessary to end WWII, there are still points of contention surrounding this decision. This essay will discuss the events and decisions that led up to this conclusion. Harry Truman, the U.S. President deemed responsible for this decision, was not completely informed with all the possible options and had less engagement than other associates in the decision-making process. The Soviets had just declared war on Japan which was putting pressure on the Japanese to accept surrender. The conventional methods of war were already defeating the Japanese which would have led to an eventual surrender from Japan. The bombing meets the definition that would qualify it as a war crime. Part of …show more content…

The initial blast of the bomb is only the beginning of the suffering that it causes. Within 30-40 minutes of the bombing a phenomenon known as “Black rain” occurs. The blast of the atomic bomb throws a gigantic amount of irradiated materials into the air which it mixes with the carbon from the fires around the city. This mixture then falls back down as a sticky, radioactive water. This water would then could land on and stain, people’s skin, clothing, and buildings. The black rain could also fall on food or water, which would cause radiation poisoning to anyone who was using it. A second aftereffect that the bombing had was that it caused induced radiation. This radiation has been pointed to for a wide variety of illnesses and injury which could take anywhere from 1-7 weeks to appear. These included loss of hair, anemia, loss of white cells, bleeding, and diarrhea. Three to four months after the bombing the people outside of the blast radius started to experience disfiguration, severe car formation, blood abnormalities, sterility, and psychosomatic disorders. There are also still effects for the bomb that are shown today. These include leukemia, A-bomb cataracts, and multiple different types of cancers. Causing a population to have to suffer through years of illnesses would need to be offset with a huge increase in happiness, or a huge decrease in suffering. As mentioned above in this paper, because options were available to try and end the war without using bloodshed, this suffering was not

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