
The Pros And Cons Of The United States Constitution

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Our founding fathers came up with the United States Constitution to solve many of the problems with the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution is one big compromise that the government made for its people. The United States Constitution was ratified in 1788. It consists of seven Articles and twenty-seven Amendments. The Articles and Amendments solved problems like: government powers, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, the right to bear arms, taxes.
Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have enough power over the states. Things were not well thought out, it was a big mess. Luckily, the United States Constitution came to the rescue and replaced the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution divided power equally among the National and State government. The Federal government was divided into three branches: Legislature, Executive, and Judicial. The Legislature branch is made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Both have incredible power. They are the ones that create the laws. The House of Representatives can raise taxes, put officials on trial, elect the President in case of a tie. While the Senate decides on impeachment, approve treaties, court appointments. The Executive branch is the President and his team. They set up the budget, enforce laws, set foreign policy, veto bills. The Judicial branch is the Supreme Court. It is above any other court in the United States. Not all court cases make it to the

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