
The Pros And Cons Of Torture

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Imagine this: You know there has been a bomb planted somewhere in a densely populated area that has the potential to kill thousands and is set to go off in just a few hours. There is no time to launch a full investigation in order to find out any details about the threat. You do, however, have a prisoner in custody that has the life-saving information you need, but the only way to get out the information is to torture the criminal. What do you do? Do you leave the individual alone and keep his rights intact, or do you make the prisoner suffer through brutal punishment and violate the human rights our country stands for? This controversial question is one that has been debated as far back as the middle ages. Torture, or the action of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain, violates basic human rights that are the building blocks of our country, but is this torture justified when it is used to protect our nation and its inhabitants? Modern …show more content…

Torture is becoming a large issue of human rights. There is never a situation where crucifying an individual is seen as acceptable. When torture is used, it is almost as if we are sinking down to the enemy’s level of disrespect and foolishness. As citizens of the United States, we hold ourselves to standards of justice and equality, and torturing a victim breaches all of those policies. Senator John McCain puts it best while saying that “We are Americans, and we hold ourselves to humane standards of treatment of people-no matter how evil they may be”, as Americans, we must stay humane and stick by what our country stands for. The enemies that our nation faces “have no respect for human life or human rights. They don't deserve our sympathy”. These criminals that we are fighting against have no regards for these values, and disrespect

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