
The Pros And Cons Of Transgender And Gender Nonconforming

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The LGBTQ+ community is growing and new aspects of their culture are emerging. They are humans and members of the community as much as heteronormative people are. The words and pronouns they use to identify themselves change as more information about their feelings and preferences are documented and as the terms reach the pop culture stage. Historically, words claimed by members of the community have been used against them as insults. The word “gay” gained a negative connotation when teens and young adults alike, started criticizing the actions of their peers saying, “That’s gay”, after an activity or action that an individual deemed too feminine for a male to perform. Another seemingly ambiguous term/word that gained a negative connotation was “homo”. The phrase “no homo” was coined by individuals who felt that they much reestablish a “hetero-platonic” relationship with a peer after giving them praise, or making a comment. As individuals come out as something other than straight, and depending on their new preference, might also change how they wish to be addressed. Transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals specifically, will retire their former name and pronouns to better fit their new identity. If a woman was going through a female to male transition, this individual might want to be addressed using him/he instead of she/her; or even change their name i.e. Sarah to John or Daniel to Danielle. So the question was proposed, since TGNC individuals go through

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