
The Protection Of The Citizen's Intellectual Property

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It was 17th century philosopher John Locke who popularized the idea that the ideal government’s principle duty was to protect the material property of its citizens, but perhaps just as important to the health of a nation, is the protection of the citizen’s intellectual property. Without the protection of intellectual property innovators and artists would have no rights to their creations, therefore no incentive to create new works. To protect these men and women, lawmakers drafted some of the most important pieces of legislation in our nation’s history: copyright law. Copyright law guarantees that the rights to a creative work are held by the creator. This means that works that fall under copyright cannot be sold or reproduced without the creator’s consent. This gives creators the security that their assets will not be stolen, and thus, creates and environment that encourages new innovation, and fosters artistic expression. However, copyright law today is deeply flawed, often achieving the opposite of its original goals. Today, both individuals and large corporations use copyright law as a tool to stifle competition, and remove works that they object to. From this, we have been left with a copyright system that fails to protect people from false copyright takedown claims on the internet, that has copyright terms that are much too long to be reasonably justified, and that does not guarantee the rights that are promised under fair use. To solve these shortcomings, it is

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