
The Purpose Of Myth

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A myth is another type of story that provides an explanation of all the things for which explanations are felt to be necessary. These could be the origins of the universe, the causes of good and evil, life and death or anything else that is believed to be mysterious. Myth therefore shares with ideology a persuasive purpose and engages the hearer by providing stories that express aspects of the unconscious. It provides a narrative-based representation of intangible experiences that are evocative because they are unconsciously linked to emotions such as sadness, happiness and fear. Its function in political communication is to create positive or negative representations and it contributes significantly to telling the right story. Myth gains its power by distinguishing between angels and …show more content…

Myth originates in emotions such as fear of danger, the dark, or death; these emotions require an expressive medium to accommodate them into a social narrative that enables them to be accepted and understood. The medium is not necessarily language since dance, music

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