
The Queensland Health Primary Needle And Syringe Policy

Good Essays

CHCPOL504B – Develop and Implement Policy

The Queensland Health Primary Needle and Syringe Policy performs as a health clinic for people to access sterile injecting equipment, it tacitly serves as an early-warning system designed to monitor blood borne viral infections and associated risk behaviours among people who practice intravenous drug use.
It’s an important viewpoint of the policy that in place does not pardon the use of illicit substances, however has been developed in conjunction with the public health strategy and reduction of injury and illnesses of illicit substance, improve health, social and economic outcomes for the individual and the wider community.
This state bound policy’s bread and butter …show more content…

To support both clients and workers within the sector there’s provision within the policy that focuses on the minimum required standard for code of conduct, continuous education and training of staff and clients rights that revolve around confidentiality, respect, dignity, non-judgemental service and interactions, transparency of information, and their right to exercise self-determination and choice and their responsibility to uphold NSP’s rules, cooperate with staff, consider the rights of other people, proper use of equipment, look at other harm minimising drug activities such as smoking and snorting rather than injecting and awareness of their HIV and Hepatitis status.
Working with Queensland’s Health Injectors Network (QuHIN) has allowed further exploration of how this policy comes to life in a real world sense. It’s interesting to note that the success of this policy, program and public health intervention boils down to one bullet point; clients of NSP’s are entitled to ‘be treated with courtesy, consideration, professional care, with respect for feelings, confidentiality and dignity at all times’. This forms their mantra, built into their client charter, is a feature of performance review conversations and regular staff training on how to communicate with empathy, in crisis, intervention and without judgement and offering advice. It’s well recognised within QuHIN that these

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